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Homemade Mac and Cheese

0041Tonight we had a rotisserie chicken, yep that kind from the grocery store, complemented by homemade mac and cheese and roasted zucchini [1].   The zucchini also came from the farmers market this week and was far superior to what I’ve been buying at the local grocery.  I was planning to make shrimp, but decided to be lazy instead and picked up the chicken.  They’re such a good bargain, at least when you find them for $5, and generally pretty amazingly consistent.  I’d always prefer to have roasted a chicken myself, but that involves a very hot oven and a long period of time.

I love mac and cheese, of course in typical kid fashion my daughter took one look and pronounced it “disgusting.”  After a few encouraging works, she did take a bite and pronounced it “totally yum.”  The littler one didn’t care much for it, but grown ups generally think its great.

Homemade Mac and Cheese

3 c. milk

1/2 white onion

4 tbsps butter

4 tbsps flour

3 c. shredded extra sharp cheddar

kosher salt

fresh ground pepper

dash of nutmeg

4 tsps Madeira wine

16 oz box small elbow macaroni

In a saucepan over medium heat, place the onion in the milk and warm to a simmer.  Remove from heat and let sit 10-15 minutes.

In a large saucepan, melt the butter, add flour and cook 1-2 minutes, stirring continuously.  Remove the onion from the milk, and slowly pour the milk into butter and flour, whisking continuously.  Heat on medium-high heat, 4-5 minutes or until thickened.  Add one cup of the cheese and stir until melted.  Season to taste with salt and pepper, add a dash of nutmeg and Madeira.  Stir to combine.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta in salted water until cooked al dente.  Drain pasta and place in a buttered casserole.  Spoon sauce over pasta, stir.  Top with cheese and breadcrumbs.  Bake in a 325 degree oven 25 minutes or until bubbly.