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Steak with Spinach Salad with Classic French Vinaigrette

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007By divine intervention, I got the most amazing deal on steaks tonight.  When sorting through the Prime Ribeyes at the the store, a mismarked package of 3 ginormous beautiful steaks appeared for the ridiculous price of $4.50.  That’s right, under 5 dollars for approximately 2.5 lbs of prime cut meat.  All the other packages were marked properly, it was like karma intervened and wanted me to have these steaks.  Hands down, best steaks we’ve bought in the last 3 years.  Wow!

Then again, karma intervened by mail when I got June’s Gourmet [1] magazine today.  The cover photo resembles the meal I’d choose if this were my last.  I can’t find the cover photo online, so if you don’t subscribe, keep an eye out in your local grocery aisle, because to me, this is heaven.  It’s an equally huge ribeye, albeit bone-in, with some beautiful grilled asparagus, and a Guatemalan red cabbage relish.  Heavenly.  That inspired me to grill those fortuitous steaks this evening.

Tonight we had the spinach salad I’ve been craving, and since I’m neck deep in strawberries, those were present again.  I meant to toast some almonds, but forgot.  Otherwise it was just spinach, blue cheese, Kirby Cucumbers [2], and a homemade classic french vinaigrette.  As these cucumbers get more abundant at the farmers market, I’m planning to tackle pickling this summer.

Growing up, when most kids went to normal camp, I went to French camp [3].  Okay, really, I’m not that dorky.  Wait, yep, I guess I am.  We did everything normal kids at camp do: canoeing, soccer, hiking, cookouts, singing, with lots of french immersion and an emphasis on french foods and meal prep and more french-centric sports like fencing.  It was just about the most fun thing I’ve ever done.  I loved it.  Of course, I’m probably also one of those people born to be a camp counselor, so YMMV.  Every night at dinner we had salad and someone got the task to make the salad dressing for the table from the staples of a french vinaigrette, oil, red wine vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper.  Of course, I probably begged to have the task every night but had to settle for 2-3 times during session.  Since we’ve found Briana’s I’ve practically quit making salad dressing.  But, I find myself increasingly bored with eating and making salads, so I think it’s something I’m bringing back.  Here’s tonight’s.

Classic French Vinaigrette

1/2 c. olive oil

1 tbsp champagne vinegar

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

2 tbsp dijon mustard

1-2 cloves garlic, minced

14 turns of fresh ground pepper

2 generous pinches of murray river salt

Combine and whisk until incorporated.  ** Notes ** We thought next time it should be zippier.  This was good, but I’ll add an additional tbsp of red wine vinegar and champagne vinegar next time I make it.

Bon appetit!