Ready to Cook Ham
Apr 11th, 2009 by lane
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Around Christmas and Easter, and a few other times, you can find ready to cook hams in the grocery. They come in a shank portion and a butt portion. I go with the shank portion because it has less gristle and is easier to carve. A ready to cook ham has been wet cured and needs to be cooked to reach an internal temperature of 160.
Ham also definitely falls under my budget meals category. This 8 pound ham cost just over 10$. Sometimes it’s more than that, I’ve paid double or triple, but this is still a good price. An 8lb ham serves about 15 dinner size servings, and the bone provides a wonderful base for blackeyed pea soup or vegetable soup. The price per serving of this meal was literally about $1.25. Of course we’ll need to be committed to eating ham sandwiches for the next while, but who doesn’t love a jambon-beurre sandwich?
8 lb ready to cook ham
In a glass pan, place rinsed ham, then add about an inch of water to the pan. Cook in an oven preheated to 325. Needs to cook for about 18 minutes per pound to an internal temperature of 160.
To carve, slice thin slices down to bone, then cut along bone to free slices. Turn ham to other side and repeat. Save shank bone in freezer for later use.
I still refer to this for time and temperature reminders even though I’ve cooked a million or many, many hams over the years. I do put a little yellow mustard and sugar-free glaze over the top so it will be pretty and delicious. Thanks, Lovey Lane. For all the good information!!